1. Name
The name of this organization shall be: Burbank Democratic Club (hereinafter “the Club” or “Club”).
2. Purpose
The Club’s efforts shall be directed towards achieving the following objectives:
2.1. Politics
2.1.1. Endorse local, county, state, and national candidates, measures, and initiatives whose platforms are
consistent with our democratic principles and for whom residents of the City of Burbank can vote in an election.
2.1.2. Provide a platform for candidates and legislators to speak about their
vision, goals, proposed bills, issues, and solutions.
2.1.3. Aid fellow Democratic groups statewide.
2.1.4. Participate in the California Democratic Party, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, and other regional Democratic organizations and efforts.
2.2. Legislation
2.2.1. Gather and provide information on current and proposed local, county,
state, and national legislation.
2.2.2. Endorse proposed legislation that is consistent with our democratic
2.3. Community
2.3.1. Provide a friendly, open, and respectful environment for like-minded
citizens to gather, debate, and socialize.
2.3.2. Help us to achieve a fair, just, and safe society.
3. Affiliations
3.1. The Club must affiliate with and be chartered by the Los Angeles County
Democratic Central Committee (hereinafter called the Central Committee).
3.2. As a chartered and affiliated club of the Central Committee, the Club shall comply with the bylaws of the Central Committee and the California Democratic Party, as they apply to fully chartered local affiliates.
4.1. Requirements and Qualifications for Members
NOTE: “Members” are also referred to herein as “Members in Good Standing,” “Voting Members,” or “Active Members.” Anyone who meets all the requirements stated below qualifies for Club membership:
4.1.1. Be a registered Democrat, or be a United States citizen who is ineligible to vote due to minority, non- residency, or other legal impediment, but who pledges to register as a Democrat when eligibility is attained; and
4.1.2. Support the purpose of the Club as stated in Article 2 above; and
4.1.3. Affirmatively apply for Club membership; and
4.1.4. Pay the annual dues or have had the dues waived for economic hardship;
4.1.5. Meet any other requirements to be eligible as a voting member.
4.2. Privileges of Membership
4.2.1. New members’ voting privileges shall begin sixty (60) days after the
first payment of dues.
4.2.2. Renewing members shall be allowed to vote immediately upon renewal.
4.2.3. If membership has lapsed for one (1) year or more, joining and paying
dues constitutes a new membership.
4.2.4. Only members who are duly registered as members of the Democratic Party and are in good standing as of the annual deadline will be included in the roster submitted for the purpose of participation in the California Democratic Party endorsement process.
4.2.5. Burbank Democratic Club’s executive board will choose
representative(s) from the Club to the California Democratic Party Pre- Endorsement Conference.
4.2.6. The Club shall be represented at meetings of the Democratic Party of the
San Fernando Valley (DPSFV), the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee, California Democratic Council, and any Assembly District Committee meetings that allow such representation. A member or officer may serve as representative to more than one outside body if the Club membership approves.
4.3.1. Grounds for removal of individuals from Club membership are: Public violation of Article 2 of the herein bylaws, and/or Committing or participation in unethical actions including, but not necessarily limited to: sharing private information and/or materials gathered in the process of the Club’s activities, sexual harassment and/or misconduct that does not neccessarily constitute a crime, and/or Committing illegal actions.
4.3.2. A quorum needed to conduct a meeting to remove a member shall
consist of the lesser of these two alternatives: twenty-five (25) percent of the active members, or fifteen (15) active members.
4.3.3. Once a quorum is reached, members or officers may be removed from
the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Club’s members present and voting, provided that the conditions listed in Articles,, below are met: After giving grounds for removal (see Article 4.3.1 above),
removal has been requested by a majority of the Club’s executive board or by written petition of at least ten (10) Club members. Proper notice is given to the member or officer who is the
subject of the removal. Notice shall be deemed properly served if it meets the following criteria: Includes the grounds for removal; and Includes the date and time of a meeting specifically
dedicated to a fair hearing regarding the removal matter; and Be signed by the complainants; and The original notice shall be hand-delivered, mailed, shipped, or emailed to the member subject to the removal. Note: If emailed, a scanned PDF copy of the original signed notice shall be deemed an original. A copy of the original notice shall be hand-delivered, mailed, shipped, or emailed to membership at large at least ten (10) days prior to the removal meeting. The member or officer who is the subject of the removal shall be given reasonable time at the removal meeting to reply to and/or appeal the charges (i.e., grounds) stated in the notice.
Liaisons and committee chairs shall serve at the pleasure of the Club president and may be removed by the Club president for any reason at any time.
5.1. Annual membership dues shall be set by a majority of the executive board.
5.2. Membership dues must be paid, or renewed, one calendar year after the member has joined. This applies to both individual, and family memberships.
5.4. Regular Dues shall be collected in the amounts and status as listed below:
Individual Membership $20.00
Family Membership $25.00
Low Income/Student Membership $15.00
Lifetime Membership $750.00
5.5 Special Dues shall be collected in the amounts as listed below, and valid for the specified terms:
Individual Monthly Membership $20.00 per month
Family Monthly Membership $25.00 per month
Lifetime Membership $750 one-time payment, does not require renewal, non-transferable
5.6 Membership tiers, and fees, can be altered at the Executive Board’s discretion, no more than once calendar year.
6.1. Regular Meetings
6.1.1. The executive board (as defined by Article 9) shall hold regular monthly business meetings on such day as the executive board may determine from time to time.
6.1.2. The executive board shall determine dates and times of regular Club
business meetings.
6.1.3. Regular Club business meetings shall not be canceled more than two (2)
times within any calendar year
6.2. Special Meetings
6.2.1. Special meetings may be called by the Club president at any time, and noticed as specified in Article 6.3.
6.2.2. In the Club president’s absence, any two officers may call a special meeting if the meeting is properly noticed as specified in Article 6.3.
6.3. Notice of Meeting
6.3.1. Notice of regular and special meetings shall be given to all active
members at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance, in any of these two manners or means as listed below: In writing by U.S. mail, and/or In writing by email, and/or Posted on the Club’s website and/or the Club’s social media sites, and/or By telephone voicemail and/or text message
6.3.2. Notice of a meeting shall be deemed sufficient by any manner specified in Article 6.3.1 above if such notice is calculated to be received at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting and includes the meeting date, time, and place.
7.1. For the purpose of the herein bylaws, an active member is as defined in Article 4.1
7.2. The Club shall use the newly revised Robert’s Rules of Order to govern parliamentary procedure at all official meetings of the organization, except as specifically noted in the herein bylaws.
7.3. A quorum for any official Club meeting shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total active membership, or ten (10) members, whichever is lesser.
7.4. Unless otherwise specified in the herein bylaws, the Club may decide to schedule or join events and conduct regular business with a vote of fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the members present and voting at any given meeting except at a meeting to remove members as specified in Article 4.3.
7.5. The Club may suspend specific portions of the herein bylaws and/or Robert’s Rules of Order for the purpose of conducting emergency business by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the active membership present and voting at a meeting, unless the item to be suspended calls for a higher percentage of active membership present and voting at a meeting. In such cases where the item to be suspended calls for a higher percentage, the percent specified in that portion of the herein bylaws shall be required to suspend that particular text. The motion to suspend shall cite the particular bylaws article proposed to be suspended.
7.6. The Club may pass a resolution that is a statement in support of, or opposed to, any issue unrelated to endorsements and legislation with a vote of sixty percent (60%) of those members in good standing who are present and voting at any business meeting.
7.7.1. A process to consider the endorsement of candidates must be approved by a vote as defined in subsequent subsections.
7.7.2. Non-incumbent candidates for elected office, or representatives of a ballot measure campaign, must formally request an endorsement from the club in order to be considered. Upon requesting an endorsement, non-incumbent candidates for elected office, or representatives of a ballot measure campaign, will be invited to address the general membership at a regular club business meeting. The executive board must notify the general club membership of upcoming endorsement interviews, providing an opportunity for members to submit relevant questions. The Executive Board members, at their discretion, will select specific questions to include in the interview. Each candidate for the respective office, or campaign for a respective measure, will respond to an identical series of questions generated by the executive board and general membership no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. An endorsement vote may take place at the same meeting, if in compliance with sections 7.7.4, 7.7.5, 7.7.6, and 7.7.7.
7.7.3. Incumbent candidates running for re-election to their current office may be submitted to a meeting agenda for a vote by any member of the executive board and ratified by a simple majority of the present executive board members. Should a simple majority vote pass, the incumbent candidate will be placed on the meeting agenda of a future club meeting. Should a simple majority vote fail, any member of the club may bring forward the incumbent for consideration of a vote, if in compliance with sections 7.7.4, 7.7.5, 7.7.6, and 7.7.7. Any member of the executive board may request that an incumbent candidate running for their current office be interviewed by members of the club at a regular business meeting prior to an endorsement vote. A request for an interview must be approved by a simple majority of executive board members present. Should a motion to interview an incumbent candidate pass a simple majority vote, the executive board must submit a letter, email, and a phone call to the candidate outlining the reasons for their interview, no later than 30 days before the scheduled interview takes place. The executive board must notify the general club membership of upcoming endorsement interviews, providing an opportunity for members to submit relevant questions. The Executive Board members, at their discretion, will select specific questions to include in the interview. Each candidate for the respective office, or campaign for a respective measure, will respond to an identical series of questions generated by the executive board and general membership no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. An endorsement vote may take place at the same meeting, if in compliance with Sections 7.7.4, 7.7.5, 7.7.6, and 7.7.7.
7.7.4. If the discussion of an endorsement process is noticed in the meeting agenda, such a process must be approved by at least sixty percent (60%) of those active members present and voting at this particular meeting.
7.7.5. If the discussion of an endorsement process is brought up from the floor as new business, such a process must be approved by at least three- fourths (3/4) of those active members present and voting at this particular meeting.
7.7.6. Under no circumstances may the Club consider the endorsement of a candidate for public office who is not registered with the Democratic Party.
7.7.7. The minimum threshold for endorsement in a race with multiple Democratic candidates is sixty percent (60%) of the active members present and voting at the endorsement meeting.
8.1. Changes to the herein bylaws shall be proposed by the Bylaws Committee. The executive board shall act as the de facto Bylaws Committee unless the Club president appoints a Bylaws Committee chairman, and subsequently a separate committee is formed.
8.2. Proposed bylaws changes must be approved first by a two-thirds (2/3) majority
of the executive board, and then at the next general Club meeting by a majority of the active members present and voting.
9.1. Officers shall be active Club members and shall consist of the following positions:
President, 1st Vice President for Membership and Development, 2nd Vice President for Political Action, Secretary, and Treasurer.
9.2. Nominations of all officers shall be formally accepted no later than the last
Thursday of September by email, phone, or in person. Nominations will not be accepted at the October election of officers meeting.
9.3. Officers shall be elected to serve one-year terms by a majority vote of active members present and voting at the elections meeting, which is to be held at the regular October business meeting.
9.4. Newly elected officers shall begin their terms of office immediately upon election by the general membership body.
9.5. All elected officers shall be considered voting members of the executive board.
9.6. If an executive board member fails to attend three or more consecutive regular Club meetings, the executive board, at its discretion, may declare that member’s position is vacant.
9.7. The president may appoint members temporarily to fill an elected or appointed vacancy, subject to election by the membership at the next Club meeting, after any office is vacated. Any Club member thus selected by the President may temporarily fill vacancies for the unexpired term.
9.8. If the president vacates office, the 1st vice president shall ascend to the position of President until an election is held to fill the president's remaining term of office.
9.9. In the event of the president’s temporary absence, the 1st vice president shall serve as president. If the 1st vice president position is vacant, the 2nd vice president shall serve as 1st vice president. If the secretary position is vacant, the treasurer shall serve as secretary. If the treasurer position becomes vacant, the president may appoint a replacement for the unexpired term, subject to election by the membership at the next Club meeting after the office is vacated (see Article 9.7).
9.10. All past-presidents shall serve as ex-officio active members of the executive board and Club.
9.11. The Club may elect such other officers as may be deemed necessary from time to time to conduct Club business.
10.1. The President shall set the agenda for and officiate at all Club meetings. The President shall sit as an ex-officio member of all committees, designate the chairs of all committees, speak for the Club on matters with respect to positions the Club has taken, be first delegate to all conventions and council meetings, appoint Club members to serve in other capacities as needed, and perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Club or by the executive board.
10.2. The 1st Vice President for Membership and Development shall oversee the recruitment and retention of the membership; assume presidential authorities and duties in the absence of the president; maintain an updated copy of the membership roster to facilitate Club communications; actively pursue and coordinate fundraising opportunities, and perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Club or by the executive board.
10.3. The 2nd Vice President for Political Action shall report on and recommend political action opportunities to the Club members, and shall assist in recruiting members to participate in social-action related events, and provide an active list of political action opportunities to the Secretary or executive board member responsible for the Club's social media and website.
10.4. The Secretary shall maintain all written records of the Club, including written notes of each meeting held by the Club; post or cause to be posted a copy of each meeting's minutes to the Club's website; and keep a hardcopy of the minutes from each meeting; be responsible for ensuring that all members are notified of Club meetings, and keep copies of all important Club documents. In addition, the Secretary shall be responsible for all social media and the Club's website unless these tasks are otherwise delegated to another executive officer by the authority of the executive board.
10.5. The Treasurer shall maintain all the Club's financial records, including names, dates, and amounts for all dues collected and funds expended; disburse the Club's funds as authorized by the Club or the executive board; reconcile all of the Club's bank statements; make a financial report at all Club meetings; submit an annual statement in writing at the close of the fiscal year; abide by all relevant local, state, and federal laws and regulations; maintain the roster of Club members; and perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Club or by the executive board.
10.6. A Committee Chair shall select the number and members of their committee, unless otherwise directed by the executive board. In all cases a committee must contain an odd number of members and all votes shall be by majority vote unless otherwise specified by the executive board.
The herein Burbank Democratic Club Bylaws are hereby
ADOPTED THIS: 25th Day of June, 2020
Certified by: Blake Dellinger, Secretary
Burbank Democratic Club Bylaws